lunes, 24 de enero de 2011

ThE difFereNcEs beTweEn schOolS......

There are two types of colleges which we can obtain several differences about the social class of his students or status symbols, among other things. I refer to the public schools versus the private or compound colleges.
In the case of private or compound colleges we can say that the students are of high social class while the students of public schools are in the habit of being middle or low class.
Respect the symbols we can say that the private use uniforms and used to be religious, also they are smallers and have less students, but more money to have good materials.
As for the publics ones are bigger and have more students than the others. The teachers have betters studies because they must to pass a few examinations to be able to be employed at the public institutions.
In conclusion the private institutions have better materials and they are for persons of a higher social status while the public schools are free education and have a better prepared teachers.

viernes, 21 de enero de 2011

A good experiment!!!!!!

The Stanford Prison Experiment has seemed to me to be very interesting because it´s a psychological proyect that shows you the facility with that It is possible to change the behavior of the persons determining his environment. It demostrates that the people are weak of personality and can be manipulated without problems in certain circumstances.
Really I´ve never changed my behavior due to the pressure of my group, but I have seen persons whose behavior has changed due to the acts or comments of the others by the group, demostrating that there are people who doesn´t know how to behave and due to the good reaction that obtains of the group on having to realized certain action, It does it to try to join itself the group.

sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010

....A gRoup likE aN oTher onE...bUt spEciaL......

Hi! I´m going to talk about how it´s my peer group. Well, we are approximately ten persons, three of them are brothers, two boys and one girl. They are argentinians, but they have lived through almost all his life in Spain. I know them for more than five years because the girl went with me to the high school. I have known the others throughout these five years, except to two of them that I knew them becaouse they were friends of my brother.
There are four girls in the group including to me, and the rest are boys. Always we are in the Flory, It´s a park from the neighborhood San Juan Bautista. The brothers have a house there so have site where to be, if it does cold we go to their house and if it does hot we go to the Flory.  Generally, if one of us have a problem we try to hepl him/her all that he or she needs, but only we do it if the problem is serious because if It´s a typical bilge of teen I will promise that we are going to be doing jokes until other thing calls our attention.
Any person who was coming to our group without knowing ourselves, would think that we hate ourselves and that we are little edges. what happend it´s that we are together we form a pinapple because, practically we know everything some of others and when it comes new someone is like a stranger, due to the fact that often he does not understand the jokes or feels inconvinient. In conclussion, in my peer group try getting fun, though sometimes it´s across the others.
But at the moment of the truth we endure ourselves as what we are, friends.

domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010


Regards, I´m the Enterprice´s spaceship Commander, we came from the planet Omicronalfa7. We have come to study the human behaviors. Here appears the diary of the trip of one of our soldiers who infiltrated into one of the earthlings institutions called school.
The first memory, I´m the soldier 555243 of the division 3 of camouflaged observation. I have landed in a small piece of open land in a city called Madrid, in the country called Spain. I can see a building in the distance, shouts and laughs are heard,I approach up to the fence, they look like small humans, here call them children. They are enclosed in the college without being able to go out,they are of different sizes and dress the same clothes. Also there are major humans beings monitoring the small ones. Suddenly, a noise of a stamp sounds and all the children do a row behind of the teachers. Now the court is empty so I decide to look inside the building. I enter for a window to a room, it contains twenty-five children every five in a table and a teacher writing in a chunk of darker wall, called blackboard, with a small white stone, called chalk. All the kids pay attention to the teacher and she teaches them the numbers. I cross the school completely and I found almost the same in all the stays, teachers teaching pupils things about their world and own culture.
I return to the ship to study the acquired information.
End of memory one.